Epicor Kinetic

Solution for Manufacturers & Distributors

Epicor Kinetic is a product of 50 years of constant development and research by software developers and ERP experts in manufacturing and distribution.

21,000 customers (i.e., over 2.3 million daily users), 4,100 employees, and countless third-party consultants in 150 countries have contributed to this comprehensive technological breakthrough.

What’s more impressive? You can have this massive system curated to your need.

Epicor Partner in Vietnam - Epicor Kinetic ERP Modules

What is Epicor Kinetic?

Epicor Kinetic is enterprise resource planning (ERP) software primarily for manufacturers and distributors worldwide.

Its capabilities include customer relationship management, quoting and sales, material requirements planning, scheduling, manufacturing execution (MES), inventory control, human capital management, and financial control.

It is a highly customizable modular, industry-specific system connecting all departments and between the top and shop floors.

Why Epicor Kinetic ERP?

Epicor Kinetic enables thorough insights into operating activities, real-time visibility, and effective control.

Most modules in this ERP system function as facilitators of a specific department, e.g., CRM, Production Management, and Financial Management. Some encompass various divisions and companies, such as Business Intelligence and Analytics, to simplify supply chain management processes.

Besides, Kinetic’s user-friendly design empowers even IT novices and embraces unlimited extendability to support company-wide, cross-functional collaboration (see Kinetic Automation Studio).

ERP's benefits

Epicor Kinetic's Modules

Epicor Modules Customer Reslationship Management


A 360-degree view of the complete customer, supplier, or partner relationship to ensure customer satisfaction.Read More »
Distribution ERP - Sales Management

Sales Management

A top-notch automation tool to produce accurate estimates, streamline your order-to-cash cycle, and fulfill orders.Read More »
Manufacturing ERP - Product Management

Product Management

A top-notch automation tool to produce accurate estimates, streamline your order-to-cash cycle, and fulfill orders.Read More »
Manufacturing ERP - Project Management

Project Management

Complete control and thorough analysis of any project with detailed estimation, planning, scheduling, costing, as well as supply chain logistics.Read More »
Epicor Module Planning and Scheduling

Planning and Scheduling

An excellent instrument to master the art of predicting and responding quickly to changes in customer demand with minimal business interruption.Read More »
Epicor Module -Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management

Rich visibility + digital prowess to transform your supply chain, from initial raw materials to the ultimate delivery of the finished product, into a results-driven value chain.Read More »
Epicor Module -Production Management

Production Management

A complete solution for make-to-order, mixed-mode, make-to-stock, engineer-to-order, and configure-to-order manufacturers, incl. light assembly features for distributors.Read More »
Epicor Module - Financial Management

Financial Management

A suite of accounting applications to support effective financial management and control anywhere – Epicor Kinetic’s outstanding feature in comparison to other ERP systems.Read More »
Manufacturing ERP - Human Capital Management

Human Capital Management

A robust innovation for HR professionals to help their organizations navigate the talent pursuit, take a leadership role in digitalization, and guide the way forward.
Manufacturing ERP - Governance, Risk, and Compliance

Governance, Risk, and Compliance

An enabler of efficiency and success that ensures company-wide awareness of the associated risks of non-compliance and simultaneously encourages compliance.

Epicor Kinetic Module - Business Intelligence and Analytics

Business Intelligence and Analytics

A deeper trending, diagnostic, and predictive analytics tool based on real-time data to assist the management in making fully informed decisions at every turn.
Distribution ERP - Global Business Management

Global Business Management

A single, potent, user-friendly application for multi-site companies to perform transactional functions between systems and entities, internal and external.
Distribution ERP - Service and Asset Management

Service and Asset Management

High visibility and accountability to provide quick responses to customer incidents, keep your field operations informed and productive, and process returns quickly.
Epicor Kinetic Cloud

Why choose Epicor Kinetic Cloud?

Kinetic offers a flexible, cloud-based solution designed to adapt to evolving business landscapes and provide the assurance that critical business systems are secure and easily accessible. Regular updates introduce practical innovations that keep your business competitive by integrating the latest industry functionality. With an intuitive cloud interface and built-in learning resources, Kinetic empowers all employees, regardless of tenure or familiarity with the platform. Designed by and for manufacturers, Kinetic combines industry expertise, modern user experience, and cutting-edge technology to help your business grow.

  • Enhanced Employee Engagement Enhances Operational Effectiveness
  • Cutting-edge Resources Enhance Enhanced Work Output
  • Match Enhanced Adaptability to Organizational Requirements through Configuration and Integration Tools
  • Swiftly Adapt to Requirements with Versatile Cloud Options and Deployment Flexibility
  • Safeguard Essential Business Platforms with Streamlined Security Measures

What to consider when implementing Epicor Kinetic?

Reach out to experienced Epicor consultants (Get to know Data V Tech – Epicor Partner in Vietnam). Share with us your bottlenecks, and request a proposal for optimal solutions regarding:

(Also, view the ERP implementation mistakes to avoid business disruption and related damages.)

Keep in mind that this list is not exclusive, and each business can have a roadmap to implement its manufacturing/distribution ERP. Contact us to find yours.

ERP for manufacturers and distributors

Epicor Alliance Partner in Vietnam

Data V Tech is proud to be Kinetic’s Country-Specific Accounting Functionality (CSF) developer, who ensures its compatibility with Vietnam’s accounting system.
Data V Tech-Epicor Alliance Partner
Manufacturing and Distribution

Which industries prefer Epicor Kinetic?

Epicor’s customers (primarily manufacturers and distributors) from 150 countries have helped design and develop Kinetic for manufacturers and distributors worldwide for 50 years.

This solution enables you to scale, compete, and attract top talent to your organization. You can capitalize on data, transform digitally, and innovate without limits. The goal is to help you maximize profitability using real-time business intelligence and built-in collaboration tools.

Particularly, manufacturers of all sizes can effortlessly identify and plan the resources required to capture, produce, ship, and account for customer orders. All users through the supply chain can access the right information, from the right source, at the right time to make informed decisions.

Here are some sectors where manufacturers and distributors successfully transformed using Epicor Kinetic:

ERP for Rubber, Packaging and Plastic

Rubber and Plastic

Epicor Kinetic and Epicor Advanced MES create a connected enterprise software solution for make-to-stock and make-to-order businesses that focus on injection molding, blow molding, rotational molding, thermal forming, extrusion, and similar complex manufacturing capabilities.

ERP for Metal Fabrication

Metal Fabrication

Epicor Kinetic has helped numerous manufacturers and distributors deliver fabricated metal products to various industries, including industrial machinery, automotive, aerospace and defense, electronics and electrical, medical device, and energy, among many others.

ERP for Wood and Fixtures

Wood and Fixtures

Epicor Kinetic is the unique solution for managing multifaceted manufacturing businesses’ requirements, including complete warehouse management, short-run custom make-to-order, high-run make-to-stock, and mixed-mode manufacturing.

How long does it take to implement Epicor Kinetic?

Most standard projects can go live after six months.

However, it depends significantly on your company size, deployment option, and the time your staff can allocate for the ERP installation. For example, a small business can successfully deploy Epicor Kinetic on the cloud within a month. Yet, a multi-site company can need at least a year to complete the entire digitalization process.

Your Epicor partner also plays a critical role here. An experienced one with deep insights into your industry can help you save considerable time and budget by informing you, e.g., what to do first and what to skip.

Epicor Kinetic Implementation Timeline
How much does Epicor ERP cost

How much does Epicor Kinetic cost?

Our Kinetic license pricing is subscription-based, starting at $175 per user per month.

Apart from the subscription fee, an Epicor Kinetic project cost includes the investment into infrastructure, training, and post-go-live support. Besides, you can influence Kinetic pricing by selecting the necessary modules and having the entire system tailor-made. (More detailed pricing)

In short, the total cost hinges upon your decisions, including the number of users, infrastructure, and deployment duration, among many other issues. Let us help you out with your budget planning!

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