5 Sound Reasons for Epicor Kinetic Upgrade

5 Sound Reasons for Epicor Kinetic Upgrade

Keep pace with technology to remain competitive and support digital transformation initiatives in this fast-moving era. There are many benefits to upgrading to the latest Kinetic release of Epicor ERP, including easier upgrades, access to the latest features and enhancements, regulatory compliance, and full software support. With the Epicor Upgrade Services program and the move to the Browser UX, the entire process is seamless, efficient, and tailored to your business needs. Here are five good reasons to upgrade to Epicor ERP.

Easier Upgrades and Time Savings

Upgrading your ERP system can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process. But with the latest release of Kinetic, Epicor offers an Upgrade Services Program that provides the services and tools to ensure a successful upgrade, whether on-premises or in the cloud. Leveraging Epicor Signature Methodology for implementation and upgrade, this program minimizes the risk, cost, and business disruption associated with upgrades. It includes technical consulting, customization services, reporting services, configurator services, EDI services, and onsite business consulting to provide a comprehensive upgrade experience for your organization.

Seamless Cloud Upgrade Services

Moving to the cloud has never been easier with Epicor’s secure, cloud-ready tools and services. Before the upgrade, Epicor’s cloud analysis tool provides a thorough system assessment. The cloud environment facilitates the packaging and delivery of business-specific upgrade elements, including data conversion and customization. Epicor provides rapid data conversion services, including data cleansing and post-upgrade reconciliation analysis. To further simplify the upgrade timeline, users can leverage the secure Cloud View environment to learn and test their releases, customizations, and reports. A la carte conversion services are available for more complex customizations. (Contact us for more information).

User Adoption and Training

Successful upgrade implementation depends on user adoption. Epicor understands this and provides comprehensive training through the Epicor Learning Centre (ELC). In addition, contextual and guided learning is provided through the Help and Support panel accessible from any Kinetic Browser UX screen. These training resources ensure that your team can seamlessly transition to the new Kinetic release and realize its full potential to drive efficiency and productivity within your organization.

Transition to the Browser UX

The Browser UX offers many benefits and a modern, intuitive interface. Epicor recognizes that customers may be accustomed to the Classic UX and has extended support beyond the 2024.1 release to allow for a flexible transition. While the Classic UX screens will be retained, new features and functionality will only be added to the Browser UX. Epicor has planned a multi-year phase-out of the Classic UX, starting with the 2024.1 release of Kinetic, to give organizations ample time to upgrade and adapt.

Uplifting Classic UX Customizations

Upgrading to the latest version of Kinetic will not affect your existing Classic UX customizations. They will continue to work alongside the new Browser UX forms, allowing for a gradual transition. Once a form has been converted to Browser UX, the application will open the customization in Classic by default. You can work on converting customizations yourself, and the Configuration Upgrade Dashboard and Conversion Logs will help you track the status of converted customization layers. Epicor’s Professional Services team provides support, especially for complex customizations, and offers a low/no code best practice approach for re-evaluation and enhancement.

Staying competitive in today’s business environment means keeping your technology up to date. Upgrading to the latest Kinetic release of Epicor ERP ensures regulatory compliance and provides easier upgrades, access to the latest features, and full software support. The Epicor Upgrade Services program, combined with the seamless transition to the browser UX, ensures a smooth upgrade process with minimal disruption. Empower your organization with the enhanced functionality and user experience of Epicor Kinetic ERP and position yourself for success in the digital age.

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